Wednesday 19 April 2017

Domestic Violance (violence in the streets) or Politics?

In kerala and almost every part of India there are violences in the strrets and roads. Mostly, political parties are the culprits who conduct the protests for political sake or in the name of public intrest. Politics, violance, public fear, public places, streets, roads, protests, march, strikes, and crimes are some of the subjects that we really do not give importance when compare to developed nations. Any crimes and street violance do not send a positive message to the community as publics fear about their safety. Violent scenes from our streets may send very negative messages to other people, purticularly international tourists who visit our place and see our protests and violances. Usually in developed nations, violance happens merely in protests, however in Kerala people, especially people who are part of political parties conduct protests for violence  (assuming from my experience).

                     Breaking the public properties, throwing stones toward vehicles (public&private), attacking passengers and publics who travel during the strike day, blocking the raods and traffic, stopping the vehicles, and attacks against people and private properties are usual seen in Kerala during "harthal". It has been happening for many years. Government and the Law enforcement agencies as well as even the entire CJSs have failed to end or reduce the violance in the streets.

                         ...will continue...

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